Yau Tsim Mong Cultural Route

Yau Tsim Mong Cultural Route

visit 60 cultural sites in 5 hours.


2 min read

I designed a map of 60 POIs in Yau Tsim Mong, with pointers from AMO. It took me 5 hours+ to finish this course of 32.0KM distance 405m ascent, with a short lunch break in the middle. I ran at 6min pace for most flat and open areas. The pace was slow on crowded streets/ across traffic lights/ climb stairs.

The map at glance:

YTM POIs on map

Photos taken at POIs:

YTM POIs photo taking

Interested in this route? Checkout the live Google custom map.

Here is the full list of POIs I visited with location PIN on Google Maps:

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